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Interactive VideoMapping Nominated for Foederer Talent Award

Genomineerd voor de Foederer Talent Award met onze Interactieve Video Mapping! De winnaar mag tijdens GLOW Eindhoven mega-groot projecteren op het Student Hotel naast CS! YES ..… de 10 finalisten voor de Foederer Talent Award 2018 zijn bekend!
#Sijmen Hoekstra & René Oelers - Interactive Videomapping

Info GLOW Festival https://www.gloweindhoven.nl/nl/info

Nominated for FoedereerTalent Award 2018 for GLOW festival

Interactive video mapping...Draw and colorise a building with your own creativity and watch it been projected live on the wall!. Any building can be used for this technique. Very easy to use, On a mega tablet you choose your size of pencil, choose a colour and brightness and start painting! instant Art design mapped on the wall as a big screen...So much fun, people get really enthousiastic doing this and having fun being creative with this live coloring and mapping technique.

See all the nominated prokects and links to their websites on http://www.foederertalentenfonds.nl/

A production of http://www.360DomeXperience.com and Showdesign